The Foundation
“The committee for the preservation of memorials on Himmelbjerget” colloquially called the Tower Committee was established in 1867. Its original purpose was to obtain permission by the State to build a tower on Himmelbjerget. The tower was funded by a collection in Jutland with the purpose to build the ”Himmelbjerg Tower” in memory of King Frederik the 7th, who on 5 June 1849 gave the Danish people its free Constitution.
The committee, which is now a commercial foundation, is obliged to maintain the Himmelbjerg Tower, the adjacent lands, and the memorials for significant Danish men and women.
The purpose of the foundation
The purpose of the foundation is to
- maintain the Himmelbjerg Tower, as well as maintenance of the memorials of significant Danish men and women in the area.
- establish and maintain the necessary parking areas, public restrooms, and the local water plant.
- maintain the roads and footpaths in the area, including handrails where necessary.
- conserve and maintain the meeting place and lectern for large open-air meetings and continuing the tradition of carving the most significant speakers’ names on the lectern.
- participate in the conservation of the traditional kiosk sales in the area, including the sale of local arts and crafts, walking sticks, and other wooden goods.
- care for order and the general proper conditions in the area.
- protect Himmelbjerget’s distinctive nature and heather areas in collaboration with the surrounding residents in Rye Nørreskov, the state, and Himmelbjerggården.
- ensure property ownership of areas on and surrounding Himmelbjerget, including the acquisition of further surrounding lands, should the opportunity occur.
- use the provision of funds for the maintenance of the foundation’s purpose through entrance fees from the Himmelbjerg Tower, parking fees, rental fees from the kiosk sales, income from forestry, as well as any other lease fees.
The board
Peter Arnold Busck(57)
Forest owner, MScOther management positions:
- IBA Holding ApS (Chairman of the Board)
- Rye Nørskov Estate (Owner)
- Ry Mølle A/S (Manager/member of the Board)
- The limited company Carl Christensen Aarhus (Member of the Board)
- Danish forest association (Chairman of the Board)
- PAB Invest ApS (Manager)
Søren Hald(55)
State foresterOther management positions:
- The foundation of State forester Brahmsen’s Grants (Member of the Board)
Tommy Gubi Duelund(48)
Manager of the foundation HjejleselskabetHenrik Bredmose Simonsen(67)
Former museum curatorLars Brunsø(63)
ManagerOther management positions:
- Lars Brunsø Holding ApS (Manager)
- Lysmose Windmill Guild I/S (Participant)
- DI Eastern Jutland (Member of the Board)
- Fachverband Matratzenindustrie e.V. Wuppertal (Member of the Board)
- Ry Beds Factory A/S (Manager, member of the Board)
- TV2 Eastern Jutland (Member of the Board)
Lone Merete Nielsen(65)
Independent businesswomanOther management positions:
- Luna Silver and Gold ApS (Manager)
Statement of distribution policy
The committee’s purpose and main activity, as described above, entail that external distribution of funds will not take place in accordance with foundation law. Consequently, no funds are distributed to purposes which do not entail a consideration to the committee.
The committee for preservation of memorials on Himmelbjerget
Tinghusvej 4
8680 Ry
Tinghusvej 4680 Ry