Privacy and cookie policy
Privacy policy the Tower Committee
Data responsibility
Throughout our data processing, we treat personal data for specific purposes and solely from legitimate interests. We solely treat personal data relevant and necessary to the fulfilment of the specified purpose. We delete all data when no longer necessary for the execution of our purpose.
Contact information of the data responsible
Should you have questions related to the Tower committee’s treatment of personal data, please contact:
The Committee for preservation of memorials on Himmelbjerget
CVR: 24 24 56 08
Mail: info@himmelbjerget.dk
Personal data
The Tower Committee treats the following personal data:
Information on tenants
Ordinary personal data:
- registration and contact data, such as address, telephone number, email address
- title, profession, and educational background
- family relations and information on household, including information of separation, divorce, and termination of cohabitation
- payment data, including bank account, mistreatment of payment information if any, insolvency, or bankruptcy declarations, and outlay in deposits
- information of and correspondence related to tenancy, including tenancy contract, record of the interior design of the tenancy, spending accounts, notification letters, keys, complaint cases, and housing allowance
- reason for eviction, including death or moving to a nursing home
Information about employees
Ordinary personal data:
- registration and contact data such as name, address, telephone number, and IP-address.
- title, profession, and educational background
- family relations and contact information of next of kin
- photos, images, or video/electronic/digital recordings
- information to employment and payroll administration, including salary information, bank account information, tax card, education, seniority, secondary occupation, working hours and assignments, keys, annual holiday period(s), sick leave, maternity leave, employee benefits, social security, pension, criminal record, warnings, reprimands, expulsion, and termination of employment
Personal information with added level of security:
- social security number
Data on contact persons with suppliers and business partners
Ordinary personal data:
- registration and contact data, such as name, address, telephone number, email address, and IP-address
- title, profession, position, and educational background
Data about customers
Ordinary personal data:
- registration- and contact data, such as name, address, telephone number, and email address
- title, profession, position, including Board and management positions, and educational background.
In general, the Tower Committee does not treat particularly sensitive data or information about criminal offences.
There may be, however, exceptional cases related to tenancy law conditions, where the Tower Committee can treat sensitive personal data, for example in relation to reporting criminal activity.
Collection of data
Normally, we receive information from you. In some cases, however, they may originate from other sources, typically:
- public authorities, e.g., necessary tax information related to salary payment
Purpose with the procession of personal data
We treat your personal data in relation to specific purposes when we or our customers, whom we are data handlers for, have a legal reason.
Usually, the legal reasons for treating data are:
- that is necessary to enter a contract/basis of agreement with you
- treatment in relation to a legal requirement, including the tenancy law and the Accounting Act.
- our legitimate interest in treating your data (processing on basis of legitimate interests)
- treatment with consent
The objectives with data treatment related to tenants:
- handling of tenancy, including the collection of rent and payment of deposit and the like
- fulfilment of legal requirements
- administration of your relationship with us
The objective with data treatment related to employees:
- handling of terms of employment
- fulfilment of legal requirements
- payment of wages, compensations, refunds, and the like
The objective with data treatment related to contact persons with suppliers and business partners:
- handling of supplier or business agreement
- fulfilment of legal requirements
- administration of your relationship with us
The objective with data treatment related to customers:
- handling of our administration agreement
- administration of your relationship with us
Treatment of personal data from legitimate interests
The extent that we treat your personal data is based on processing on basis of legitimate interests. This handling will solely be motivated by legitimate interests.
The treatment may include, but not be limited to, that we:
- keep your personal data for a period following the discontinuation of your tenancy. This is due to both current legislation (e.g., the Accounting Act), which obliges us to keep information for a period. Other than that, data is kept for practical and administrative considerations with a view to the statute of limitations.
- forward your personal data to our accountant, craftsmen, and lawyers. Your lease may be passed on as comparison property proof to the landlord’s solicitor, rent board, or other landlords and their representatives, who may have an interest in documenting the value of the lease
- secure that both the storage and transmission happens under consideration of the landlord’s interest in documenting the basis of rent determination of the property or in a specific tenancy, and the landlord’s duty to, and interest in, maintaining good manners and order on the property
Often, our handling of your personal data is based on another legal basis than consent. Therefore, we obtain your consent only in rare cases when it is necessary to treat your personal data in relation to the purposes described above.
It is voluntary if you will give us your consent, and you may, at any given time, withdraw the consent by letting us know that this is your wish.
Transmission of your personal data
In connection with the operation and administration of our tenancies, transmission of information may be passed on to business partners and suppliers, including accountants, solicitors, craftsmen and dispute bodies, such as courts.
Treatment by third parties will solely take place in relation to specific purposes.
In case data is transferred to (sub-) data processors, a data processing agreement will oblige these to treat your personal data confidently.
In addition, they are at all times obliged to meet the necessary technical and organizational security measurements, ensuring that no data will ever accidentally or illegally be destroyed, lost, deteriorated, become known to unauthorized persons, be misused, or at any point of time treated in violation of the personal data legislation.
Your personal data will not be transferred to third countries outside the EU/EØS or countries which do not have legislation offering special protection of personal data.
We do not transfer personal data to companies for the purpose of marketing or sales without your consent.
The storage and deletion of your personal data
We will store your personal data in a period from the discontinuation of your tenancy or sublease relationship and in accordance with the following criteria:
- for practical and administrative reasons and for the purposes of the Accounting Act and the statute of limitations, we store your data up to five years after the expiration of the fiscal year where your lease was discontinued.
We will store your personal data in a period from the discontinuation of your employment and in accordance with the following criteria:
- for practical and administrative reasons and for the purposes of the Accounting Act and the statute of limitations, we store your data up to five years after the expiration of the fiscal year where your employment was discontinued.
Contact persons with suppliers or business partners:
We will store your personal data in a period from the discontinuation of your supplier or business partner agreement and in accordance with the following criteria:
- for practical and administrative reasons and for the purpose of the Accounting Acta and the statute of limitations, we store your data up to five years af the expiration of the fiscal year where your supplier or business partner agreement was discontinued.
We will store your personal data in a period from the discontinuation of your customer’s agreement and in accordance with the following criteria:
- for practical and administrative reasons and for the purpose of the Accounting Acta and the statute of limitations, we store your data up to five years af the expiration of the fiscal year where your customer’s agreement was discontinued.
We store information relevant to the documentation of the rent determination or other important conditions on the property, e.g., tenancy contract, rental notices, rent board decisions, and sentences, for as long as they are deemed necessary.
We have implemented both technical and organizational security measurements, with the purpose of protecting your personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, against their loss or deterioration, and that they become known to unauthorized persons, misused, or otherwise treated in conflict with the data protection act on personal data. To ensure this, we have established strict IT-security and handling rules.
Your rights
You have several rights according to the personal data regulation when we handle personal data relating to you:
- the right to be informed about the handling of data
- the right to insight in your own personal data
- the right to correction
- the right to deletion
- the right to limitation of handling
- the right to data portability (extradition of data in a commonly applied format)
- the right to objection
You can make use of your rights, including object to our handling, by contacting us via the contact information on top of this document.
For example, if you contact us with a request to have corrected or deleted your personal data, we examine if the conditions are met, and if so, we will immediately implement the changes or deletion without unjust delay.
You can complain regarding the handling of the information and data related to you to The Danish Data Protection Agency, Borgergade 28, 1300 København K.
Cookie policy
Cookies are small bits of data which are sent from a website and stored on a web site user’s unit, while the user surfs on the website. Cookies perform a lot of different jobs, including telling the website of your previous activity on the site, enabling your use of the website to be more efficient and pleasant. It also remembers your preferences, enabling you to navigate through the website. In addition, it identifies you if you have registered on the website, should you wish to make a purchase via the website.
Cookies can also help to ensure that the advertisements you see online are more relevant for you and your interests.
The use of cookies does not harm your computer in any way, and they are normally deleted automatically after a certain period, like six months. You can obtain more information about cookies here: http://www.allaboutcookies.org.
Like pretty much all other websites, we use cookies on our sites. This allows us to identify that the same user has returned to our website, how many users have visited our website, which sites have been visited and whether there were any technical challenges in loading pages og navigating our sites.
By collecting this information, we learn which parts of our websites are the most interesting or valuable to our users and allows us to monitor the total interest in our websites. In addition, it gives us the opportunity to identify technical problems with our website, so we can fix them right away. This will again help us to secure that our websites work correctly and allows us the opportunity to improve our offers to our visitors.
You can deactivate the use of cookies, including the ones on our websites, by deactivating the cookie function on your browser. However, certain parts of our website, as most others where you deactivate the cookie function, will not work correctly, should you choose this option.